Dr. 比安卡杰克逊, 花腔女高音, 会回到母校吗, 路易斯安那大学门罗分校, to share her love and passion for music with students during a residency, 2月. 25-27.

The masterclass will be held on 2月ruary 27 at 11:00 a.m.; the lecture-recital is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. 在艾米-卢·比登哈恩独奏厅. 该活动免费向公众开放.

根据中城歌剧院的说法, 花腔女高音唱得很高, 光, and fast notes and has the highest voice of all sopranos and treble voices. It is considered to be a unique operatic voice.

那奇斯,小姐. native serves as pg电子下载 State’s voice coordinator and associate professor of music in the Dep艺术ment of 美术. 在她的角色中, she has been charged with teaching undergraduate and graduate courses and coordinating the vocal performance program.

She expressed joy in her opportunity to go back to ULM.

“I’m excited and honored to be asked to return to my alma mater,杰克逊说。. “I performed my first starring opera roles at ULM, and that was the last time my late grandmother saw me on stage. I also sang with an orchestra for the first time there. It will be a different feeling to be there now as a professor. It feels like my life has come full circle, in the best of ways.”

Following in her mother’s footsteps, she pursued her love of singing. Jackson’s musical influences span the breadth of the many genres available today.

“My mother is my greatest musical influence; I grew up watching her sing throughout Natchez and on tour,杰克逊说。. I’m greatly influenced by folk song, spirituals, and classical music. I admire the composer William Grant Still and have studied him for almost twenty years. I’m definitely a child of Mississippi, so gospel and blues singers are near to me.”

She continued, “I listen to music of the world. It’s tough to narrow it down because I love so many genres, from classical to K-pop.”

Jackson considers music as a calling and a form of communication.

“I have a deep connection to sharing music with others,杰克逊说。. “我可以通过歌曲进行最好的交流. I especially enjoy learning more about my culture, as well as diverse music. 我喜欢学习和教学. Music pushes me to excel in many different ways, like singing in foreign languages and performing. 音乐把我带到一个非常特别的地方.”

Through her passion, she believes in giving back and sharing her gift with students and others.

“I truly believe that we receive when we give, 所以教授, 回馈是最重要的,”她说。. “Students need to know that we were once in their shoes, and they will one day be in ours. You never know what or who will change a person’s life. 即使是很小的举动也能产生影响. 投资他人很重要.”

During her Masterclass and Lecture-Recital, she hopes students will gain knowledge to take ownership of their identities as 艺术ists.

“I want students to feel the power of classical music by Black American composers and realize that they are in control of who they are as 艺术ists by making meaningful music decisions and taking creative risks,杰克逊说。. “These composers have overcome great odds to share their music. I hope students will see in my work with them that music is a reflection of their hi故事, 故事, 和文化. Music is very powerful and as musicians we hold and distribute that power to our audiences.”

Jackson earned her bachelor’s degree from Tougaloo College and a Master of Music degree from ULM. She received a Doctor of Musical Arts in vocal performance from The University of Texas at Austin. 除了, Jackson was the first graduate music student with portfolio certification in African and African American Studies.

Her portfolio certification enhanced her doctoral studies by allowing her to focus on Black hi故事, 艺术, 和文化.

“I presented a lecture-recital on Black cultural trauma and opera, 哪个是我的作品集项目的一部分,杰克逊说。. “I took several graduate courses concerning the African Diaspora. It exposed me to brilliant professors and gave my research socially conscious direction. It allowed me to frame my music study with an Afro-centric perspective, and that has set the foundation for my music research and performances thus far.”